


    The TE 44 Piezo Fretting Rig incorporates a piezo actuator driven by a high frequency analogue controller, which derives its set points via a 16 bit control and data acquisition card from a standard PC, running COMPEND 2020 software. Real time adaptive control features provided within the software allows high precision control of the actuator when working against highly non-linear loads. Sine, square and triangular waveforms may be programmed and at oscillating frequencies up to 100 Hz.
    A servo pneumatically controlled loading system is provided for performing conventional parallel motion fretting tests. With the loading system disabled, the specimen orientation can be changed from parallel to perpendicular motion, allowing hertzian fretting, impact fretting and depth sensing micro-hardness tests to be performed. Specimen heating is provided for the parallel motion test configuration only.

    Parallel Motion Fretting


    Hertzian Fretting


    Impact Fretting


    Depth Sensing Micro-hardness


  • Technical Specifications

    Type of Contact – Fretting/Sliding: Ball/Flat
    Type of Movement: Sine, Square and Triangular
    Type of Contact – Impact Fretting: Ball/Flat @ 45 degree Impact Angle
    Type of Contact – Hertzian Fretting: Ball/Flat
    Type of Contact – Diamond Indenter: Depth Sensing Micro-hardness (Vickers)
    Displacement Control: Adaptive control of amplitude and mid-stoke position
    Actuator: Piezocomposite Stack
    Maximum Stroke: 100 µm
    Stiffness: 60 N/µm
    Resonant Frequency: 15 kHz
    Maximum Force: 12,000 N
    Maximum Tensile Force: 1,500 N
    Amplifier: 1000 volt
    Load Range: 5 to 1000 N
    Loading Rate: 50 N/s
    Temperature Range: Ambient to 200°C – Fretting/Sliding Only
    Heating Power: 200 W
    Temperature Sensor: k-type thermocouple
    Friction Force: +/-500 N Maximum
    Stroke – continuously variable: 0 to 100 microns
    Resolution: +/-0.2 microns
    Maximum Frequency: 500 Hz
    Minimum Frequency: 1 Hz
    Frequency Range: Continuously variable: 1 Hz to 100 Hz
    Maximum stroke at 100 Hz: 30 µm
    Maximum stroke at 50 Hz: 60 µm
    Maximum stroke at 20 Hz: 100 µm
    Stroke Measurement: Capacitance Probe
    Full-scale Range: 0 to 1 mm
    Resolution: 0.2 µm
    High Speed Interface: USB
    Resolution: 16 bit
    Number of Input Channels: 6
    Maximum Data Rate: Six channels at 50 kHz
    Low Speed Interface: USB
    Resolution: 12 bit
    Number of Input Channels: 1 to 8
    Number of Output Channels: 1 to 4
    Maximum Data Rate: 10 Hz
    Controlled Parameters Frequency
    Mid-stroke Position
    Test Duration
    Measured Parameters Frequency
    Stroke Displacement
    Depth Sensing (Micro-hardness)

  • Overview Videos


    Machine Overview


  • Download the Machine Leaflet